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Pendaftaran Virtual Workshop Structural Equation Modeling (SEM/AMOS Level 2) -(20 & 21 May 2022)

Pendaftaran Virtual Workshop Structural Equation Modeling (SEM/AMOS Level 2) -(20 & 21 May 2022)
Outline / Features of SEM AMOS

AMOS (Analysis of Moments Structures) software enables
researchers to analyze the inter-relationships among constructs having multiple indicators in a model. Using AMOS graphic, the analysis is executed effectively, accurately, and efficiently. More importantly, the inter-relationships in a model are estimated simultaneously.

Expected Outcomes (Benefits from the workshop)

The workshop will expose participants to the application of Structural Equation Modeling or SEM, the Second Generation Statistical Method. SEM is widely used by researchers to analyze the inter-relationships among constructs in a model. Upon understanding the concept of SEM, the participants will enjoy the hands-on guides on how to execute SEM using AMOS software, and also how to interpret the results. This AMOS Workshop would enable participants to analyze their measurement model and structural model, as well as for the following analysis:

»Analyzing the causal effects
»Analyzing the correlational effects
»Analyzing the Mediating/Intervening effects
»Analyzing the Moderating effects
Advantages of this workshop compared to others
Have the speaker which is an expert in this field (SEM/AMOS) since 2004
Held in a small group, not more than 50 people
Does not refer to the material course only, but also discusses in the context of research done by the participant
Getting the relationship with the speaker for the future time
In two day’s workshop, really exposed you step by step and hands-on guides on how to execute SEM using AMOS software
The Workshop consists of Two Levels
> Level 1 for Beginners and Intermediate (2 days)
> Level 2 for Intermediate and Advanced (2 days)
Who should join this workshop?

» Academicians
» Researchers
» Scholars
» Consultants
» Postgraduate students
» Those who require SEM for their data analysis

What did you get in the workshop?

» Softcopy Note and software SEM?AMOS from Speaker
» Softcopy Certificate
» Meal & Refreshments

Tentative Programme

Review 1
Running Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA)
Model Modification – To Improve Model Fit
Practical Session 1
Review 2
Analyzing the Structural Equation Modeling (SEM)
Interpreting the Text Output
Practical Session 2
Review 3
Path Analysis
Testing hypothesis for Causal Effects
Testing for the Mediation Effects
Practical Session 3 
Review 4
Computing the Effect Size in the Mediation Model
Computing the Mediating Effect of a Mediator
Practical Session 4
Q & A
The Concept of Moderation
Analyzing the Moderator in a Structural Model
Testing for the Moderation Effects – Observed Variables
Practical Session 5
Q & A


Analyzing the Moderator in a Structural Model
Testing for the Moderation Effects – Latent Constructs
Multi-Group Analysis 
Determining the Type of Moderation
Practical Session 6
Q & A
The Concept of Higher-Order Models
The Second Order Model. Why Second Order?
Second-Order Confirmatory Factor Analysis
Practical Session 7
Writing report for SEM output – Thesis, Journals
Personal Presentation 1
Comments and Practical Session
Q & A 
Personal Presentation 2
Comments and Practical Session
Q & A
Consultancy Session - Entertain Individual Problem
Q & A
Workshop Ends

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